Tuesday, November 26, 2013

HP Pelzel & Sandra Boyd Pelzel "Ceramic Rattle" at the Joyful Jewel 11-26-13

"Ceramic Rattle"
HP Pelzel & Sandra Boyd Pelzel
Ceramic Pod, ~ 6" x 2 3/4"

Just the thing to have sitting on your desk, a ceramic rattle by HP & Sandra Pelzel!  When you need to remember the mirth, shake the rattle and do a little dance.  When you're feeling stressed shake the rattle fast and hard to let it all out.  When your sister comes in let her do the rattling reminding her that you used to play with her when she was a baby - by, what else, shaking her rattle.  And after she reminds you that you actually took the rattle away from her, you can say, "Yes but I am giving you this one now!"


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