Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Kimberly Godon "Christ on the Cross" at the Joyful Jewel 6-24-15

"Christ on the Cross"
Kimberly Godon
Iron Railroad Spikes, Forged & Welded with Copper Wire Crown

Kimberly Godon created this "Christ" from welding and forging old railroad spikes she has gathered on abandoned tracks and copper wire. Here is what she says about her art: 
  Spike art is made from railroad spikes, bolts, clamps and plates from the 'old gulf, NC spur' used in WWII for transporting iron and ore from local mines. The material is collected along the tracks on long walks. Years of force and pressure shape these pieces. I just put a form to them. Each piece is individually welded from the unique shapes.

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