Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Andrea Stark "Baby Hats"

 “Baby Hats"
Andrea Stark
100% Recycled Cotton, Knitted
Allison Stark is one of the 3 Bag Ladies -- three generations of bag-loving, thrift-shop-haunting fiber artists in one family.  It must be in their genes.  At least that's what they like to think!  The Bag ladies are Jane Talbot, her daughter Andrea Stark, and granddaughter Jessi.  Not only do they love all kinds of bags and containers, they really like coming up with their own unique takes on the question  "what can I put in that?"  How would you answer the question, or the similar "who would you put in that"?  Although as you can see, this picture is not one, there are also bags at the Joyful Jewel by the 3 Bag Ladies!

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